Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BTDT Moms, I need your help!

I feel like I'm losing it over here. Natalie's sleep habits have gotten all screwy and it's really hard these days to get her to take a really good nap and at night it's hard to get her to go to sleep without having to let her cry - and even when we do let her cry, it's unbearable because her cries sound like she's in agony. Last night I ended up sleeping in the chair with her all night like she was a newborn. It was the only way I could get her to sleep and let me get some sleep too.

All morning Natalie has cried and cried and she's been hysterical. The only time I got a break from her crying is when I took the kids on a walk and had her in the Sleepy Wrap. I couldn't keep her in the wrap for too long because my back was already sore from the gym yesterday. I had her totally asleep this morning after I nursed her and got her into the crib and like always, she immediately woke up and screamed. If I didn't have to take care of Timmy, too, I would have loved to just held her and rocked her while she slept but I can't do that very well with him up too. It's so frustrating!

I'm honestly not sure if it's separation anxiety, another ear infection, or reflux. A few times last week after I nursed her in the morning she spit up, something she hasn't done since she was just a couple months old. She just can't be consoled, even when she's held. It's like she has colic at nine months old.

If anyone has any advice (nicely given please) or even just some comforting words, I'll take it!


Shana said...

I think some of it is an age thing, but beyond that, teething would be my next guess.

Perhaps try having her sleep in her carseat if you're worried about ears or reflux, and see if that helps? I've done that with some of my kids, and they slept great in their seats for a while until they were a little older and better able to handle sleeping in their crib.

Lindsey said...

Hello dear,

I have to agree with the above poster. But I also think it may be a seperation thing. Kylie went though that as well, sometimes she still does. I hope things get better for you soon. It's hard having more than one closer in age. I luck out with Kody because he is so independant. :-) Best of luck love!

Liza said...

thanks my chicas. i'm just so frustrated. i don't know what is going on! she does have about 4-6 teeth on top that look like they want to pop out at any second but they aren't, that could be it. maybe i'll give her some teething tablets before bed tonight and see if that helps.

Elizabeth Lemon said...

Matthew had a night like that a couple weeks ago and the next morning he had two more teeth, so I felt somewhat justified in the all-nighter, but it is so frustrating and exhausting and really zaps you of all energy to keep up happy times with your older kiddo(s). When my kids get overtired they are super clingy and cranky until they catch up on sleep. I would try a super early bedtime - like 5:30 or 6:00 pm and see if that helps. Actually I would do a multi-faceted attack with benadryl, baby orajel , teething tablets, maybe even some tylenol in addition to a temporarily super early bedtime.

Good luck Liza - you just hang in there.