Sunday, January 30, 2011

Timmyism #6 (and more)

The Boy has been absolutely cracking us up lately! He says some of the funniest, most off-the-wall stuff sometimes. Sometimes what he says isn't funny, but how he says it is what makes us laugh.


The other night we were having a very healthy Arby's dinner and some meat fell off of Timmy's sandwich. He picked up the meat and said, "Holy meat!"


He and Natalie spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa C the other night and after we picked them up, all the way home Timmy kept talking about how he saw a tractor and it was beepin'. He's at the age where he repeats everything and even if you respond, he still keeps saying it. He kept saying, "It was beepin'. The tractor was beepin'. Something was beepin'. It was beepin'. It was beepin'."

Chris and I were trying to ignore him since we had already responded to this several times, but when Timmy said, "It was beepin'. Hoooooly beepin'," I totally lost it. I had tears rolling down my face from laughing so hard.


Yesterday, I took Timmy with me to pick up their new car seats and Pink Floyd was on the radio.

"We love Pink Floyd!" I said to Timmy.

"I like Floyd. He's pink," Timmy replied. Goof.

On a related note, I taught Timmy how to say, "If you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"


There have been many other funny things that Timmy has said recently, but I can't think of them at the moment. I do know that at dinner last night I said something and he responed with, "Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaat?"

1 comment:

Golden Mommy said...

I miss that kiddo....been too long! :)