Today I am going to talk about something I don't talk about very often - me. Most of the time I write about my kids because, well, let's face it - I 'm a mom; that's what I do.
But today we are going to talk about me and how I am fluffy. I am overweight and aside from the luck I get of having Hyperthyroidism while pregnant, when I'm not pregnant all I do is continue to gain weight.
I must admit, I am pretty lazy when it comes to actually trying hard to lose weight. Last year I had a membership at a gym and I'd go ride the bike or do the elliptical for an hour a few times a week and was able to maintain my weight, but couldn't lose a pound. After I had Sammy I was down to 145. ONE. FORTY. FIVE. That is 25 pounds under what I was when I got pregnant with him. ONE FORTY-FIVE. He was born in July. It is now November and my weight? 165. I have gained back 20 pounds. While some women might look forward to being back at their pre-preggo weight, I do not. I do not want to be back at pre-preggo weight.
I eat like I've never eaten before. I snack. I eat what I can when I can because when you have little ones, it's hard to actually sit and enjoy a meal. Therein lies the problem - I overeat. A lot. I eat at midnight. I eat at all hours of the day.
I don't exercise regularly. I like to take walks, but it's just not easy to take a walk with three kids when two need to be in either a wrap or a stroller and one could go in a stroller but refuses and keeping him by me is a challenge.
I made a new account at and used it for one day. I really need to buckle down, focus, and really work hard towards my goal. Today I weighed 165. I'd love to be 135 again. That is 30 pounds to lose. I think I'm going to start with small goals with small rewards. I am also going to work really hard on portion control and not snacking so much. I need to drink a lot more water and a lot less pop. And I need to start exercising. I bet I can get the kids involved with that. Maybe they'll do the shred with me :)
If all else fails, I'll just bench press my kids a few times a day.
I'm having the same problem about losing weight and eating the wrong things. Like at the moment I am eating a bowl with Mike & Ikes and Dots mixed together.
Dropping the pop will really help in losing weight (something I need to do too). Before my hysterectomy I dropped 80 pounds by dropping pop completely, drinking water instead, and walking a bit.
I'll help hold you accountable if you help keep me accountable! I have a hard time not getting pop and candy. (pop another Dot in my mouth)
my niece had to loose some weight for a family wedding. she joined a gym and got a personal trainer just long enough to learn the ropes. the first thing they told her was to "lay off the soda". i cut out the sugar in my coffee and switched to fat-free half&half for cream. any little bit helps. i'm not much of a water drinker, no way am i getting the required 8 cups a day. barely 8 sips. the only time i drink it is when i'm pregnant. thats only 2 times in my life - 22 and 6 years ago. i'm trying to do better, as i am constantly forcing the H2O stuff down my dd throat.
MamaThel - Have you tried the flavors to add to the water? Really helps force the water down. :)
frankie - we can be weight loss/control buddies!!! (has some more coke..LOL)
MemaThel - thanks so much for reading my blog!! and yeah pop is a HUGE thing - the caffeine is kinda a "must" since i am awaken early with my baby boy - love my caffeine. i drink a ton of pop to avoid the caffine headache. i do love coffee but have a hard time getting to really drink it b/c i fear my kids spilling it!
Starting tomorrow, I'm doing a public food journal on my blog. I'm going to write down everything I eat that day (and ever day after) and post it first thing the next morning (so i get any bedtime snacking on there too). My friend Momma's Time said it really helped her.
(did you see i mentioned you in my "I Suck" post?)
I have been so stagnat since I got to my pre-preggo weight. I just dont seem to have much focus lately though. I need a swift kick in the butt I think.
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